The Eloquent Page

The Eloquent Page

We sell new and used paperback, hardcover, collectible, antiquarian and audio books in all categories. We have over 35,000 books, including a large number of Vermont titles.

Our paperback fiction includes fine literature, mysteries, science fiction and fantasy, romances, westerns, thrillers, horror, military and spy fiction, classics and much more. Our nonfiction sections range from art to zoology and everything in between. We usually have at least a few books in any subject.

We also have a large children’s book section - picture books for preschoolers, adventures and classics for middle readers, and paranormal thrillers and romances for the older reader, as well as a selection of collectible juvenile books and series.

We can order new or used books that we don’t currently have in stock.

Phone Number
(802) 527-7243
Business Address
70 N Main St
St. Albans, VT
ZIP Code
  • The Eloquent Page